After you have flown a flight for Inflights and we have checked the quality of your data, you can send us your invoice. Read on to make sure your invoice is correct and contains all necessary information.
Email your invoice to the correct address
Always send your invoices to
Include the billing information of Inflights
Inflights BV
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
VAT: BE0677884203
Include the Flight ID
The Flight ID is the alphanumeric code which you can find on your flight instructions page. Example are AB123
, DC321
, or FL456
Adding this identifier to your invoice helps us quickly verify which flight the invoice belongs to.
Don't include a VAT amount, unless your are based in Belgium
For deciding whether you need to charge VAT on you invoice, there are three options. Which one applies to you depends on where your company is located.
If your company is located:
... outside of the European Union:
You don't need to charge VAT on your invoice.... in a European Union country (except Belgium):
You don't need to charge VAT and must mention "VAT reverse charge" on the invoice. More information.... in Belgium:
You need to charge VAT on your invoice.